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Emily Kenison Chats With Authority Magazine On How To Make The World a Better Place With Women Led Innovation

As a part of Authority Magazine and their series “Why We Need More Women Founders,” I shared all about the importance of women-led innovation and what it took to create a whole new category in the hair industry.

When I launched RobeCurls back in 2020, there was nothing like it on the market. Women were curling their hair with anything they could find. With curling irons being invented over a century ago and rollers being stagnant since the 80s, we were long overdue for innovation.

I created a new category in hair care that blends together functionality and style with a heatless hair curler design that empowers women in their everyday routines. When I was asked what I thought was holding women back from founding companies like mine, I answered that the primary obstacle is lack of funding. The world is a better place with women-led invention, so why are there so many hurdles that women have to face to be taken seriously in the entrepreneurial world? Overcoming and lowering these obstacles not only shifts how we allocate resources to founders, it also challenges the cultural perception of female entrepreneurship.

Encouraging more women to become founders fosters economic growth across industries and contributes to social good. From women’s unique life experiences and insights comes groundbreaking products and services. I even wrote a book showcasing the incredible patents that women have had over the last century that highlights how one simple idea can change life as we know it for the better.

By sharing my own experience as a founder, I am helping show the unique pathways to entrepreneurship we can take. I care about women receiving funding for their ideas and connecting important ideas to the right people for visibility and diversity in the market.

We need more women founders because women have the power to inspire change, create jobs, and lead companies. At Emikeni, we are breaking down the barriers to get there, because women make waves of change wherever their ideas thrive.

Read the full interview on Authority Magazine here.

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