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Got a great product? Here’s how to connect your idea to the market

Do you have a great product, but can’t figure out how to connect your idea to the market? There are a few hoops to jump through before your product has the potential be accepted by a mass retailer.

Find a great factory

It sounds simple, but finding the right factory to partner with can make a world of difference when it comes to connecting your product to a mass retailer. You can often find the factory name for an item on the back of a product you love, but the other option is to look at the US customs entry data for further information.

Product samples

These aren’t just your average samples, they are your first impression. They should be as close to the final retail version as possible. These samples are not just a representation of your product, they are a promise of your brand's quality and reliability.


Packaging plays a pivotal role and needs to be more than just eye-catching, it also needs to be retail-ready. This means having barcodes, clear labeling, and a design that suits the retail environment. You may also want to think about minimizing packaging size.

When I was pitching to Walgreens, I knew the shelf space was limited. I considered how to make the design of RobeCurls work in a small and compact frame. This led to the current packaging design instead of choosing a big box that could have displaced five to ten items on a shelf. With that in mind, I created samples for Walgreens that came in handy when pitching to a buyer.

Preparing for mass retail is a meticulous process. It requires you to be detailed in your approach to match compliance and ensure your operations are scalable to meet mass retailer needs. Keep in mind your packaging should be optimized for the retail environment you are targeting, but don’t let this hold you back from initially taking the steps to reach out.

Create a well-presented package

A pro tip here is to include a well-presented package of your product. Include your catalog and a personal handwritten note. This added element not only showcases your product, but also your brand’s personality and attention to detail. Remember, the goal here is to make your brand unforgettable. Don’t be afraid to stand out and show them why your product deserves shelf space in their stores.

When I pitched RobeCurls, I was bold in my mission to change the hair industry for the better, and it showed in every pitch I made. It’s how I got my product into over 1200 Target stores and 130 Walgreens!

Other ways to get in touch

If you are struggling with direct pitches or want another route, you can look into a few different options that can assist in the process.


Brokers are professionals that can help navigate retail landscapes, with compensation typically based on a flat fee or percentage of sales. Oftentimes brokers work with mass retailers, which increases your chance for success. I found a Target broker simply by talking with a brand that had recently got into Target. It made them the perfect brand to ask and simplified the process of having to look for one.


RangeMe is also an option. It is a platform that allows you to message buyers directly and track when they are accepting new products. It is a direct link to mass retailers and regional chains.

Trade Shows

Trade shows are an excellent way to network and showcase your products, as well as test out new ideas. Trade shows are also a great time to utilize retail representatives, who are individuals that can represent your brand, acting as your eyes and ears in the market.

Online Wholesale Marketplaces

Platforms like Faire provide an accessible way to start wholesale selling and is a great starting place for pitching your product.

Local Stores

Never underestimate the power of local retail. Visit or call local retailers to learn about their product onboarding process. With RobeCurls I was able to connect with Urban Outfitters just by walking into my local one and talking with the store manager. You never know, just go for the ask!

Trust The Process

Being prepared is great, but what about persistence? If a buyer agrees to a pitch, that’s fantastic! But if the buyer says no, it can often mean, not right now. If the buyer suddenly goes silent, don’t get discouraged. Here’s where the real magic of your charm can help you. Continue to keep the buyer updated with the latest news. This can include press mentions, launch of new products, awards, and anything else that is noteworthy. It keeps your brand at the top of their mind and demonstrates ongoing momentum. If you’ve sent a package with your products, it’s essential to follow up as well. Make sure they received it and see if they have any questions or feedback.

Remember getting into a retail store is a process! The biggest thing is your mindset that you too can get your product on those shelves. Use these strategies and resources to guide your journey and you’ll be well on your way to being accepted into your dream retail store.

We are on a mission


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